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Simova will review, rate and adopt them to the Simova roadmap.
Simova will review, rate and adopt them to the Simova roadmap.
Power BI reports on DPS
Enable the publishing of PowerBI reports that filter data from the portal user and show graphs of relevant customer data only for the portal user's company.
Example: ...
Add a DPS internal ticket system
To make it easier for web users to submit problems or questions, a ticket system in DPS is to be expanded. For this purpose, tables are to be created in DPS that can ...
Portal Key user Self maintenance + authorization
A new function key user must be defined for key user maintenance.
A key user can add, remove and/or maintain new portal users with all necessary credentials and ...
Background comment for basket
Many customers use the basket comment field for non-critical remarks such as "Thank you," which can disrupt the automated order processing.
To streamline the ...
Under consideration
Pass chosen value
We use forms based on table datas. Some options on the form depend on what table data line the user had selected. So it would be very helpful, if fieldvalues from the ...
Not planned
Calendar inside of the DPS
A central calendar in DPS could be very useful.
Use case: DPS web users will select a date out of this calendar during an order process e.g.. Based on the entries ...
Embedding the registration mask in a website
The DPS login and registration screen should be embedded in a website.
From the customer's point of view: Registration or login on the company's homepage with a ...
Not planned
Possibility to display buttons/images on login page
Wouldn't it be nice to have the link to the DPS Mobile App or DPS Whitelabel App on the login page for the DPS portal?
There could be two buttons or the official ...
Not planned
personalised request confirmation
Currently, a customer only receives a standard email when they have created an enquiry. This contains a number from the number series, but has no reference to the ...
Under consideration
AI Virtual Agent/Chat Bot
Integration with one of the available AI agents/bots to offer more interaction and guidance to web users for minimal human input.
Rejection of Order/Request - Send back to Basket
When rejecting a DPS Order, have an option to send it back to the basket. Should also be able to add a comment / Reason Code when doing so. This is so the Web User is ...
Not planned
Registration wizard/mask available in various languages.
The registration mask/wizard should be available by default in different languages: German, English, Dutch, French.
Enhance Business Portals Order Placeholders
We've noticed that the Business Portals-Order confirmation template has different placeholders than the placeholders used in dispatch profiles for manual Business ...
Under consideration
Adding Groupfilter to Calendar
It would be good if it were possible to integrate a group filter for the calendar. This would allow the customer (if he had a lot of entries) to quickly find his ...
Under consideration
Add a "Name" or "Description" field within DPS - Portals Page
Currently when building new Portals within a Test or Production environment a standard naming convention is used. Either within the creation wizard, or after within ...
Preventing DPS order requests for the next working day after a certain time
In a DPS setup it should be possible to determine the time until which it is possible to order for the next working day.
Under consideration
GlobalAdmin permission to change logos, background images etc. is needed - but not all user have it
At the moment a Microsoft Business Central user needs Azure GlobalAdmin permission to change logos, background images etc. in DPS. The reason is that the image ...
Under consideration
DPS Dataverse Integration
DPS currently shows Business Central data, but could be extended to allow Dataverse tables as a source. This would open up DPS to the full microsoft product suite, ...
Under consideration
Add "Go to overview" in Navigation
Currently, the navigation options in the actions are
- Go to shopping cart
- Go to home page
- Stay on current page
- Question
It would be very helpful to have ...
Under consideration
Customer marker for finished documents
Customers should be able to mark finished documents in the portal. For example: A boolean field to tick off paid invoices. The marking should be saved until the next ...
Add temporary access to portal
You may want to grant access to a customer portal for a limited period of time. Is it possible to create a feature to limit the time a user has access to the portal? ...
Not planned